After the YKS result announcement, candidates were in a state of excitement of selection. Candidates who want to make their selection based on exam scores or pass rankings have started their research. YÖK Atlas Preference Robot is recommended as a guide to ease the selection process of candidates and help them to make the right priorities. So how to use YÖK Atlas Preference Robot? Here are the details…
Candidates who have worked hard for their desired university and secured a place in the YKS exam results are now preparing for the marathon of application periods. Research has begun on the “YÖK Atlas Preference Robot” that will guide candidates to their university preferences. How to use the YÖK Atlas Preference Robot? We have compiled all the details you need to know when you contact us.
University Details: YÖK Atlas Selection Robot provides detailed information about the faculties of all universities in Turkey. Candidates are provided with vital information such as faculty capacity, minimum and maximum scores, acceptance rankings, etc.
Click here for YÖK ATLAS Preferred Robots
How to use YÖK ATLAS Priority Robot?
The software is designed to prepare college candidates to make more informed choices when choosing a university or career.
The software is not a “selection robot” – it is a good and reliable reference source with processed data that can only be edited/shared by YÖK.
Enter the name of a university in the “Select University” box to display a list of programs from that university. Click on a program to view details.
Enter the program you are interested in in the “Program Selection” box and universities offering programs of that name will be displayed. Click on the university for which you want to know more about the program.
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