The Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) shared household consumption expenditure data for 2023, based on the results of the 2023 Household Budget Survey. Housing and rent accounted for the highest proportion of household consumption expenditure across Turkey at 23.9%, followed by transportation in second place at 21.9%, and food and non-alcoholic beverages in third place at 20.6%.
Minimum Share Insurance and Financial Services
The types of expenditure with the smallest share of total consumer expenditure were insurance and financial services at 0.8%, education services at 1%, and entertainment, sports, and culture at 1.9%.
The average monthly consumption expenditure exceeded 24,000 TL per household.
To compare household consumption expenditure, we use consumption expenditure per equivalent person, which takes into account household size and composition.Average monthly consumption expenditure was estimated at 24,383 TL per household and 12,521 TL per equivalent individual.
Spending patterns vary based on primary source of income
Households whose main source of income is salary, wages or daily wages. Households with entrepreneurial income allocated 22.8% of their expenditure to transportation, 22.2% to housing and rent, and 18.9% to food and non-alcoholic beverages. 27.3% to transportation, 19.7% to housing and rent, and 19.5% to food and non-alcoholic beverages.
Low-income households spend more than twice as much on food as high-income households.
Looking at the distribution of consumption expenditure by income quintile in 2023, the first 20 percent of households with the lowest income will spend 36.6 percent on food and non-alcoholic beverages, 29.2 percent on housing and rent, 8.8 percent on transportation, and 5.4 percent on furniture and household goods.
The highest income group, the fifth 20% of households, are:
28.3% was allocated to expenditures, 21% to housing and rent expenditures, 14.5% to food and non-alcoholic beverage expenditures, and 6.9% to restaurant and accommodation services expenditures.
Single-person households spend 1.5 times more on housing and rentals than crowded households.
Looking at the distribution of consumer expenditure by household size in 2023, single-person households will allocate 31.8% of their expenditure to housing and rent, 18.7% to transportation, and 16.3% to food and non-alcoholic beverages.
Households with seven or more people allocated 30.2% of their spending to food and non-alcoholic beverages, 19.9% to housing and rent, and 14.9% to transportation.
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