The Survivor contestants, who drove through traffic in a vehicle with lights and sirens flashing, shared the moment on social media, with the image causing a huge stir.
They went into the Survivor finals with a hot vehicle
Survivor 2024 contestants Sahara Işık, Damra Can and Yaumur Banda arrived at the finals in a vehicle equipped with strobes and sirens. The three also shared the moment on social media. These images in Istanbul traffic became a trending topic on social media.
Minister Yerkaia: What has been done?
Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya announced the latest developments on the situation in an evening statement.
Ali Yerlikaya said that administrative fines had been imposed on the contestants, adding:
“What was needed has been done – 18.”
An investigation conducted by the Civil Traffic Team regarding the news and images of “Three contestants of the competition program will compete in the Grand Final in Istanbul in a flashing vehicle” reflected on social media and national newspapers revealed that
The driver of this vehicle was found to have installed and used a device that emits warning light or sound in the vehicle, which is not permitted by law, and was ordered to use flashing and warning lights. Ambulances, fire engines, and police vehicles give top priority to the health of people and the fight against criminals.
“We will not tolerate anyone illegally using flashlights or taking advantage of traffic.”
What was done – 18
Our Civil Transportation Team
A study of the news and images shown on social media and in national newspapers of “three game show contestants travelling to the grand final in Istanbul in a flashing vehicle”.
The vehicle provides the driver with “visual and audio warnings.”
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) June 14, 2024
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