A dedication ceremony celebrating the history of the Menominee people of the Marinette area was held at Menekaunee Harbor Park on June 13, 2024. PC: Fox 11 Online
MARINETTE, Wis. (WTAQ-WLUK) — A dedication ceremony was held Thursday at Menekaunee Harbor Park celebrating the Menominee Tribe’s history in the area.
“This is an important area for the Menominee people. We have a deep connection to this area because the mouth of the Menominee River is where our creation story began, so it’s important for us to make sure our story is told,” said Jenna Ka’kak, chairwoman of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin.
Menekaunee Harbor Park is also home to a large bear statue representing one of the five clans of the Menominee people. Made of fiberglass and standing about 14 feet tall, the statue is a replica of an ancestral bear on display at the Menominee Indian Tribal Cultural Museum in Keshena.
Near the statue are granite monuments honoring five clans: Bear, Wolf, Crane, Moose and Eagle.
Additionally, electronic kiosks allow park visitors to use their mobile devices to learn more about the history of the Menominee Indian tribe and its clans.
Kaqaq said the opening of Menekaunee Harbor Park is a way to educate the next generation.
“We have historical records of our people that lived in this area along Marinette and into northern Michigan, and we want to share some of that history with people today so they know and recognize where we were and that we’re still here,” Kacak said.