Malazgirt District Gendarmerie Commander Major Arslan Krakş and his wife Sibel Hunda Krakş were attacked by PKK terrorists on July 27, 2015 at 19:30 on their way back from a visit. As a result of a betrayal attack by PKK/KCK terrorists and their collaborators, Gendarmerie Major Arslan Krakş was martyred and his wife Sibel Hunda Krakş was injured. As a result of the operations carried out by the Mus Provincial Gendarmerie Command. Members of the separatist terrorist organization PKK/KCK who carried out the attack and three of the thirteen suspects determined to have supported the terrorists were neutralized in operations carried out on different dates. by the Mus Provincial Gendarmerie Command. 5th anniversary of the martyrdom of Gendarmerie Major Arslan Krakş against ten suspects. On July 27, 2020, nine people were arrested in simultaneous operations at nine different addresses in Mus and Balıkesir provinces.
PKK/KCK terrorist Savash Çelik (codename “Zerdeşt”), said to be the “last perpetrator” of the Kulak martyrdom, was captured in a cross-border operation by the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) and taken to Turkey.
He was commemorated at the same time and in the same place that he was martyred.
A memorial service was held on the ninth anniversary of Major Arslan Kurakusu’s martyrdom. Muş Governor Avni Çakır, Malazgirt District Governor Göksu Bayram, Muş Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Colonel Mehmet Kaşim Ermiş, Malazgirt District Gendarmerie Commander Major Suleyman Serkan Candan, heads of agencies, and residents attended the ceremony held by the Malazgirt District Governor at the site where Major Kurakusu was martyred. The ceremony began with a moment of silence and the recitation of the national anthem, during which Imam Cihan Ayaz of the Central Mosque recited the Quran and district Mufti Mehmet Hakki Ayhan offered a prayer.
“He was subjected to a very significant attack.”
Stating that Sultan Alparslan’s glorious army made these lands its home a thousand years ago, Governor Avni Çakır said: “I am once again a member of that glorious army. They made these lands our home. Since then, that beloved nation has always stood firmly on this land, on the side of the oppressed and the oppressor. During the Seljuk and Ottoman periods, he brought justice, development and happiness to the region at every stage and never failed to stand by the side of the oppressed. About 100 years ago, this beloved country, like every period in history, came under massive attack. Under the leadership of Ghazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, this beloved nation ensured the continuation of these lands by offering thousands and hundreds of thousands of martyrs. “At that time, during the reign of Sultan Alparslan, and during the reigns of Fatih and Suleiman the Magnificent, these lands have always provided peace and security throughout the geography in which they are located,” he said.
“They will never have the power to divide us.”
Governor Chakir said the dangerous ambitions of those who seek to divide and disintegrate the country continue, saying, “In this terrain where we stood on our own feet in the War of Independence, the dangerous ambitions of those who seek to divide and disintegrate us continue.” It continues today. Eight years ago, they tried to do this under the guise of FETO. They failed to achieve this either later or before. They have been trying to do this for about 40 years using terror. They use different means, but the argument they use to divide and tear us apart is terror. In this sense, our country’s Major Arslan suffered a great deal in Manzikert and was martyred here. Why? For the unity, solidarity, welfare and peace of this country. For the flag, for the motherland. Thanks to him and thousands and tens of thousands of martyrs like him, we stand tall. Again, in our geography, we stand with the oppressed and stand up to the oppressors. We will continue to do so. They can never divide us. Thankfully, our country and people are united. Of course, success here is not possible only with the soldiers, gendarmes and police. It is possible with the support of our dear people. “Thanks to the soldiers and police of our brothers in Malazgirt and Muş who stood firm, this battle was won and peace came to our region,” he said.
Governor Çakır and those attending the ceremony left carnations at the site where Major Arslan Kurakuş was martyred. Governor Çakır distributed chocolates and toys to children at the end of the ceremony.