LUBBOCK, Texas — Found Mission is putting together hundreds of snack packs for students participating in school camp programs.
Many South Plains students rely on breakfast and lunch provided during the school year, and as summer approaches, those meals become unavailable.
Found Mission founder Thea Politte says, “In the summer, we often hear stories of kids rummaging through trash cans, rummaging through backyards, knocking on doors and saying, ‘Can I give you $5?’ ” he said. I’ll clean up your trash so they can get food. ”
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That’s why Politte and Found Mission are providing local schools with summer camp programs, packing hundreds of snack bags to give to students in need.
“It’s a really simple Ziploc bag with a snack inside. It’s for kids who show up hungry in the morning because they haven’t eaten since lunch the day before,” Pollitt said. is used in sandwich crackers, fruit snacks, and chewy granola bars.
Mr Porritt said children going hungry during the summer had been an issue for more than a decade, and anyone could experience hardship, no matter what part of town they lived in.
“There are so many people in need, across so many different demographics, so many different groups,” Pollitt said. “Many of us fall into poverty after just a few paychecks, but no one People don’t want to talk about it, nobody wants to face it, but it’s the truth.”
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Found Mission will be distributing 600 to 1,000 bags of snacks each week this summer, Pollitt said.
Porritt said, “Many of them believe that when they’re hungry and they don’t have clothes that fit them, they feel like they’ve lost themselves. In my mind, children… We want people to know that they have been found and that there is a place for them.”
If you would like to donate, you can drop off snacks and hygiene products at Found Mission’s main building near 82nd Street and Ithaca Avenue, but if you’d like more information, click here