1. Hurricane Beryl slammed into Texas yesterday, dominating news feeds and Tik Tok videos. Here are the numbers: at least six deaths, nine inches of rain, two million people without power, 47 high-water rescues.
2. Marjorie Taylor Greene just got an F in American History. She posted on X about the average age of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and listed their names. Sadly, six out of eight historical figures, including Aaron Burr and Paul Revere, were not signers of the Declaration of Independence and she found that out on the internet.
3. Jupiter-sized exoplanets have long intrigued astronomers with their scorching 1,700-degree temperatures, fierce winds, and glassy, sideways rain. Now, data from the James Webb Space Telescope has revealed another interesting feature of the planet known as HD 189733b: its atmosphere smells like rotten eggs, due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide molecules, which have never been found outside the solar system before. It’s safe to say we can scratch this planet off our list of potential new planets we’d like to live on.
4. A Las Vegas showman used the power of his eye sockets to break two incredible Guinness World Records. Andrew Stanton broke the records for the heaviest object pulled in an eye socket (a Cadillac and chauffeur) and the heaviest object lifted in both eye sockets (a 129-pound assistant while swallowing a sword).
5. If you are woken up by a snake bite, there is only one logical way to respond. Santosh Lohar was sleeping in a labour camp in India when a snake crawled up on his bed and bit him, so he grabbed the snake and bit it back, killing it. Lohar was taken to hospital, given antivenom, and released the next day. Lohar said that in his village there is a legend that if you are bitten by a snake, you have to bite it twice to neutralise the venom. In my village there is a legend that you should never sleep outside where there are poisonous snakes that will crawl up on your bed.
And that’s the trend