The incident took place at Bajlar Nekattin Mosque. A person named Muhammad F. G., who had an argument with the Imam of the mosque, returned some time later with an arrow in his hand. The person who shot the mosque’s Imam Dursun Kul with an arrow was immediately neutralised by the people around him.
He was shot in the shoulder
Members of the public tried to intervene when the imam was wounded by an arrow in the shoulder, calling the medical team and the police.
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A medical team reached the scene and rushed the injured Imam, who had an arrow wound in his shoulder, to Bajlar Training and Research Hospital. Kul’s life is said to be out of danger after the arrow fragments were surgically removed from his shoulder.
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The businessman was arrested
The suspect was apprehended by the contractors and locked up in a warehouse. Police arrived at the scene and arrested the culprit.
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“He didn’t disturb people praying in their pants.”
Meanwhile, details of the arrow attack have emerged. A person named Muhammed FG reportedly got into an argument with Imam Dursun Kul for not disturbing people praying in shorts inside the mosque. After the argument, the person left the mosque and returned some time later with an arrow. When Imam Dursun Kul came out after finishing his prayers, Muhammed FG wounded him with an arrow.
Disempowered Citizens
The aftermath of the incident was recorded on a mobile phone camera. Following the words of a person saying, “He shot the imam at the mosque,” the surrounding crowd neutralized the attacker, Mehmet Fathi G. In the video, a citizen can be heard saying, “He shot a teacher. Call the police.” While neutralizing the attacker, the citizen also called the police.
“He shot the teacher in the right shoulder.”
“We heard screams and the teacher confronted him. He shot the teacher in the right shoulder. We took the teacher and took him to the emergency room and my friends tied up the person who shot him. Then the police came, the market was in chaos, he shot him with an arrow, the arrow was swinging, we don’t know his condition, the doctor came by, ‘They took him to surgery, they took the arrow out of his shoulder,’ and took him to the intensive care unit,” he said.