Plus the truth – images of former Uluk Ocaklar director Tolgahan Demirbaş, one of the perpetrators of the murder of former Uluk Ocaklar President Sinan Ateş, who was killed in the middle of an Ankara street, emerged due to “tension” with the prosecution who adopted his statement and “threatened” the prosecutor.
In the video provided by Face B, Demirbaş, deepening his investigation, recalls the names of dismissed prosecutors Durdu Özer and Durmuş Ali Kaya and implicitly threatens those who accept their testimony with the following words:
Demirbaş: Their threatening politics are a liability.
“This case is intended to be dragged into the political arena. Please, do not become a tool, do not become a party to this crime, dear prosecutor. Where is Durdu Özer, where is Durmuş Ali (Kaya)? Do not take the same side as them. Their threat policy is immense. Do not cooperate with them.”
Prosecutor: Keep your advice to yourself.
In the video released, the prosecutor responded:
“Keep your advice to yourself. I am not a prosecutor who has nothing to do with politics. I will quit even if proven wrong. Instead of commenting, please react to what I say.” (News Center)
Olukai Gaid, key figure in Sinan Ates murder, denies ‘order of silence’
HSK Judicial Decision: Durdu Ozer, who was fired in the Sinan Ateş investigation, suspended by Ankara Court
Sinan Ateş’s sister, Selma Ateş, complained about people following her.