Leia is Portuguese! Try reading this in English!
Ferndale has been the setting for the annual Holy Spirit Festival for many years. The procession always ends in the Church of the Assumption, where Mass is celebrated and the Queen is crowned. The gathering then returns to Portugal Hall (formerly Roberts Hall) for dinner. The day is spent celebrating. Photo by Mary Avila, via Humboldt Historian.
[NOTE FROM 2024: The 100th Annual Ferndale Holy Ghost Celebration is underway this weekend. Details here.]
The Portuguese were late arrivals to the Eel River Valley compared to some other ethnic groups. They came primarily between 1900 and 1915, with the exception of three brothers, Frank, John, and Bill Peters, who arrived in the 1870s.
The Portuguese came to make a living. They came with nothing but their bare hands, but made their way with diligence and thrifty methods and knowledge.
When the Portuguese first arrived, they were usually employed on ranches in the valley. Once they had made enough money, they rented ranches that averaged about 35 acres and 20 cows. Soon, families from the “old country” would join the new settlers here.
Most of the Portuguese in the valley were from the Azores, but there were also a few families from mainland Portugal.
Although the Portuguese came to a new land in search of a new life, they brought with them many of their old national traditions, which they practiced and still practice today. One of the main traditions is the Feast of the Holy Spirit.
This celebration began centuries ago in Portugal during the reign of Queen Isabel. There was severe drought and famine in the land. The queen prayed to her Holy Spirit and she promised that once the drought was over she would sell the crown and jewels to feed the poor children. Her prayers were answered, and the Portuguese now choose her queen, crown her, and celebrate by eating sopa (soup), a traditional meal that is a hearty soup with meat and bread. Masu.
There is a scepter attached to the ceremonial crown. At one end is a small dove representing the Holy Spirit. There are photos showing religious events in Arcata dating back to the mid-1900s, and the event was held even earlier. The Portuguese of Ferndale have been celebrating this festival independently since 1924.
For the past quarter century, since 1947, Portuguese people have celebrated the Adoration of Our Lady of Fatima. Long ago, in Fatima, Portugal, three young children were tending sheep when they saw a vision of a woman in a cave. This beautiful woman asked that she come there on the 13th of every month until next October. On October 13, 1917, she told them that she was Our Lady of the Rosary, and she asked them to say the Rosary every day ‘for peace in the world’. ”
In 1913, the Roman Catholic Church sanctioned devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, and 15 years later worship began in Ferndale. In the days of older generations, religious processions began at Portugal Hall (officially Roberts Hall) and proceeded to the Church of the Assumption, where Mass was celebrated.
At the end of the service, a procession returns to the hall, accompanied by hands, to recite the Rosary. Young people carried the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in the procession. Although the procession has ceased in recent years, a mass and banquet are still held in early autumn.
Frank Peters.
The Peters brothers were the first Portuguese to come to the valley. They he arrived in 1874. Frank Peters’ first work in the area was at his Nissen “Watcher Ranch” on Bear River Ridge. He took a long journey to reach Wildcat with his bag on foot on his trail. After working for Nissen for one season, he was employed by another dairy farmer, D.A. Spear, for 18 months, then came to Ferndale with his two brothers, who also worked at Bear River Ridge, and they Worked at digging potatoes for 10 cents. They took the sack and that same fall purchased 40 acres of rough land on Coffee Creek, east of Ferndale, near present-day Waddington. They paid $600 for the land and built a cabin and barn on it.
Leaving John in charge, Frank and William spent several years campaigning on nearby dairy farms and in the woods. In 1888, Frank rented and later purchased the 415-acre Odell Ranch in Cape Town. After several years of success as a dairy farmer, in 1911 he rented a ranch and retired from active business.
There were other early Portuguese settlers in the valley (arrival dates in parentheses).
Anton Enos (1897). Joseph and Frank Nunez (1907). Frank Leonard (1909). Joseph Silva (1900); Frank Cotta (1910); John Lorenzo (1912); Antonio Rocha (1920); Joseph Mendez Jr. (1918). Jack Moranda (1918). Frank and Manuel Miranda (1910-1917). Matthew Gomez (1919); Joseph Mendez (1900). John Brazil (1907).
The above story originally appeared in the September-October 1983 issue of the Humboldt Historian, the journal of the Humboldt County Historical Society. Reprinted here with permission. The Humboldt County Historical Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to archiving, preserving, and sharing Humboldt County’s rich history. If you become a member through this link, you will receive a year’s worth of his new editions of The Humboldt Historian.
Ferndale hosts the annual Festival of Espirito Santo Island. The closing proceedings of the Church of Our Lady are held on the days of Mass and Celebrada, Raina and Coloda. Despois, Reunion with Saran Portuguese – Meeting with Saran Roberts – Reunion at Jantar. Please continue your journey. Photo by Mary Avila, via Humboldt Historian.
[NOTA DE 2024: A 100ª Celebração Anual do Espírito Santo em Ferndale está ocorrendo neste fim de semana. Detalhes aqui.]
Portuguese compare groups of groups and delay the vales of eels in Rio. Major records from 1900 to 1915, excluding his 1870 record by Frank, John and Bill Peters.
Os portuguese helps ganjar a vida. You can understand the economic situation and understand the economic situation according to various situations.
The Portuguese first visit Belaves and experience the situation without fazendas. Own 35 acres and 20 vacant lots and ensure a safe environment. Logo, family “Velho País” se juntavam ao novo Colono aqui.
In Tenam Vindo, mainland Portugal, Portuguese people cannot live in the Azores.
The Portuguese people offer a new world basca de uma nova vida, world traditional culture and practical services. Traditional festival of Espirito Santo.
Celebrating the long life of Portuguese celebrity Rainha Isabel. There’s nothing to worry about. Espírito Santo and Promete Uque, Seca Terminal, Seca Seca Terminal, Vendor Servicea Her Coloá, and Crianza Her Poble to bring back the joy as a prover. Attend the Forum and see the contents of the Caldo Her Forte, which offers the Celebration of the Portuguese Agora, Escolgendo Uma Her Reinha, Colo Andoa and the traditional restaurant Refeição.
Ham setro ke acompaña a koloa ceremony. Please show your best performance as a representative of Espirito Santo. There are religious events of 1900, meadow data of 1900, and the most important photographs to observe real events. A festival held in 1924 made Ferndale Portuguese a reality.
In 1947, no Portuguese began monitoring Nossa Senhora de Fátima. History: “Portugal, time in Fátima, tres pequenas criancas, encuanto cuidavam de suas oberjas, vilam uma visao de ma señora em ma caberna. 13, 1917 Señora do Rosario and Pediu que Lezacem o Rosario Dialiamente “Perapas no Mundo” era. Ta. ”
In 1913, the church of Nossa Senhora de Fátima was automatically established and the safe observation of Ferndale. Your life is still alive, and during the religious activities of Portugal, the Church of Our Lady is held in the Portuguese chapel (Roberts Palace), and the celebrations of the Mass period are held.
Provide religious services, organize regular events, and prepare the recitation of the Rosary. Jovens is conducting Fatima’s procedures at Nossa Senhora. The most important thing is that it is a continuous process and does not need to actually start.
Frank Peters.
Peters is learning Portuguese and heading to the most beautiful country. She was born in 1874. Peter Nissen’s “Whatcheer Ranch” and Frank’s first encounter with Peters, Bear River Ridge, Wildcat, and Calegand, where he spends his days like Sue Avarice. Nissen Polma Temporada’s storage in Trabalhar, DA Spear’s Elefoy en Pregado, Outro his Fazendeiro, Pol his Dezoit Meses, updates on Ferndale, records of his trip on Bear River Ridge. 40 acres of terra cervajem in Coffee Creek, 40 acres of land near Ferndale and Waddington, we have Des Centavos Por Saco at Dez Centavos Por Saco. Eles pagaram $600 title and safety guaranteed.
Dashand John is not the commander, Frank and William Travalhallam solve various problems and keep an eye on Floresta. In 1888, Frank Aledu built a 415-acre site in Fazenda Odel, Cape Town, late. In 1911, various problems were solved and safe operations became possible.
The Arguns outros the main colonos of Portugal, including the Neste Vale (Data de Cegada Entre Parentes):
Anton Enos (1897). Joseph and Frank Nunez (1907). Frank Leonard (1909). Joseph Silva (1900). Frank Cotta (1910). John Lorenzo (1912); Antonio Rocha (1920); Joseph Mendez Jr. (1918). Jack Moranda (1918). Frank and Manuel Miranda (1910-1917). Matthew Gomez (1919); Joseph Mendez (1900). John Brazil (1907).
Original history compiled in 1983 as Historian de Humboldt, Condado de Humboldt. You can make a new impression. The Social History of Condado de Humboldt is an organization that creates an organization to preserve and preserve the history of the Americas of Condado de Humboldt. See link for The Humboldt Historian.