The incident occurred on Monday, June 3, in a mansion on Nida Street in the Fatih Sultan Mehmet District. According to information received, Ozgür University started a live broadcast on its social media accounts. During the broadcast, Ozgür U showed a kitchen knife and two knives in front of him in the garden of his home, said, “Those who don’t have the courage should not look,” and continued the broadcast while playing the song “Namus Berasi.” For about 30 minutes.
The mother went into the yard, saw the knife and tried to take it but failed. “Those two will come here,” Özgül U. said, swearing, when he saw his brother-in-law Ertugrul D., and ran to him, disappearing from sight. He reappeared a short time later, face and body covered in blood, swearing, and stopped the broadcast.
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Ozgur U, who was found to have stabbed his brother-in-law multiple times, causing serious injuries, was apprehended by a police team, while his brother-in-law ED was taken to hospital. The suspect was sent to the court after formalities at the police station, which arrested him.
He showed the kitchen knife and the knife.
Meanwhile, it has emerged that Uzair, who injured his brother-in-law with a kitchen knife, had shared a video on his social media accounts on the day of the incident.
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