Allegations that an autistic student was barred from attending a graduation ceremony at a kindergarten in Istanbul’s Bakırköy district quickly went viral. It was alleged that the child with autism was excluded by the kindergarten’s teachers and was not allowed to participate in the ceremony. As the moment of the autistic child who was allegedly excluded from the graduation show dancing with his mother continues to be shared on social media, a heartbreaking post has come from his mother. Taking action after the incident, Minister of Family and Social Welfare Mahinul Özdemir Göktaş shared the message, “We are with the children and their families.”
Students were unable to attend the end-of-year show
Autistic children attending a kindergarten affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in Istanbul’s Bakırköy district did not take part in the protests at the school’s graduation ceremony. A heartbreaking post was made by the mother of a student who was allegedly removed by teachers from the school’s end-of-year performance. Reacting to what she had experienced, the mother responded to the incident on her social media accounts by sharing a video she had taken while dancing with her son during a separate section of the show.
“I’m tired of rebelling.”
At a kindergarten graduation ceremony, while other students were performing a dance performance on stage, an autistic student was seen dancing with his mother in a corner of the venue, not participating in the performance. The mother, who responded to the situation by sharing a video of her dancing with her son on her social media, said, “We fought all year to make sure my son was integrated into society. Today, we are happily celebrating his graduation. But then we realized. I can no longer bear the neglect of special children, as they were not even told my son’s name all year. ” He dropped the note.
The Ministry takes action
Following the incident, the Ministry of Family and Social Services took action, and in a statement from the ministry it was announced that an investigation and investigation into the incident had been launched. A statement was released by Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinul Özdemir Göktaş regarding this sad incident. Minister Göktaş released a message on his social media account stating, “We stand with the child and his family and strongly oppose this ugly discrimination.”