Five days after the Kobani case verdict hearing held on May 16, the indictment prepared by the Ankara Chief Prosecutor’s Office against former HDP MPs Huda Kaya, Fatma Kurtullan, Garo Paylan, Pero Dundar and Serpil Kemalbay Pekgozeg was sent to the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court. Courtroom, May 21. The first hearing of the case against the former HDP MPs seeking 38 aggravated life sentences each was held today at the Ankara 22nd High Criminal Court on the grounds of Sincan Prison.
Detained former member of parliament Huda Kaya attended the hearing via the Audiovisual Information System (SEGBİS) from Silivri Women’s Closed Prison. During the hearing, Kaya said: “When justice is not the basis of property but property is the basis of justice, when sovereignty is in the rulers and not the people, then of course it is us who sit in the defendant’s chair. While we are on trial for execution on February 28, we were also on trial as Sharia supporters. Although the government has changed, the way of judgment has not changed. “At that time, we were tried as Sharia believers, but today we are being tried as terrorists and separatists,” she said.
The court issued a provisional ruling, deciding to release Kaya on the condition that she impose a travel ban and sign a monthly petition.
The indictment seeks 38 aggravated life sentences for 29 separate crimes.
According to the indictment, one of the MPs, Huda Kaya, who was a member of the HDP Central Executive Committee during the events of October 6-8, was arrested on November 1, 2023, on the grounds of “suspicion of absconding” due to a fugitive decision made by the government. Ankara Chief Prosecutor’s Office. Serpil Kemalbay Pekgozeg, Fatma Kurturan, Pero Dundar and Garo Paylan, who were abroad, were determined to be fugitives on the grounds that their statements could not be accepted. Secret witness statements, social media posts and news were cited as evidence against the persons in question, and they were asked to stand trial for 29 separate crimes, with 38 aggravated life sentences and 19,680 years’ imprisonment, respectively.