San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordione told pilgrims at a Pentecostal Mass inaugurating the St. Junipero Sera Route, the western route of the national Eucharistic pilgrimage, that a faith lived in public love has “the power to change history.” He said there is.
Speaking at the Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary on May 19th in San Francisco, Archbishop Cordileone appealed to those gathered to follow the “path of love” of Jesus Christ.
Archbishop Cordione said that people of faith have experienced changes throughout history, including the recently beatified Ulma family (mother, father and their seven children) who were martyred by the Nazis in Poland for protecting Jews. I started by focusing on the moments that brought about this.
“This is faith lived at its best: not timid, not hidden, not secret, but visible and making a difference in people’s lives and world events,” he said. He spoke to the people gathered.
“Today we publicly profess our faith. I took it to the streets with the Lord inside. I ended up heading to Indianapolis for the National Eucharistic Conference two months later.”
“Is this just some quirky folklore for us?” he asked. “Or is it an expression of faith that has the power to change history and change people’s hearts? The answer to that question is that we demonstrate faith in what truly matters and tangibly demonstrate it in the way we live our lives.” It depends on how you show it.”
He contrasted St. Paul’s discussion of the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians, saying that the works of the flesh “have very bitter fruit, which we now bear in our own land.” We are deploring polarization, the growing gap between rich and poor. , deploring the humiliation and alienation of those who differ from those tolerated in so-called polite society.”
The fruit of the Spirit, he continued, is “love.” Joy; Peace; Patience; Kindness; Generosity, Honesty. Kindness. self control. This is a virtuous life, a life lived with respect for others. Selflessness, living the path of love that ignores oneself and always looks out for the interests of others. ”
“Imagine a society regulated by this kind of love,” he said. “Imagine how much happier and more peaceful that would be.”
Archbishop Cordione said, “If we make our faith public and demonstrate it by living righteously, others will recognize in us something different: a better way of living. And this is the most important meaning of the power of faith to change history: it is the power to change the history of individual lives, to lead people to a saving encounter with Jesus Christ and to know his love, grace, truth and freedom.”
As pilgrims prepare to embark on their Eucharistic journey, Archbishop Cordione invites them to follow Jesus, “not just across the Golden Gate Bridge, not just to Indianapolis, but to follow the path of his love.” Ta. A path that reaps the sweet fruit of the Spirit, a path that has the power to change history, change hearts, bring heavenly life to earth, and lead us to heavenly life as we pass from this world to this world. Next. May God grant us this grace. ”
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