In a statement on his social media account, Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya spoke about the “Narcochely K-22” operation carried out by the Gendarmerie against pharmaceutical companies, their distributors and street sellers in 20 provinces. He announced that 663 kg of narcotic substances, 3.4 million pieces of cannabis roots and skunk cabbage roots, 436,000 narcotic pills were seized, 157 drug dealers and street sellers were arrested, 56 of them were arrested, and judicial control orders were issued to 43 of them.
Minister Yerikaya shared the following details about the operation:
“I want our beloved people to know that we are determined to rid our country of poison dealers and street dealers. We will never allow drug dealers to poison our youth and our society. That is our future.”
The Provincial Gendarmerie Command, under the coordination of the Prosecutor General and the Gendarmerie General Command KOM Division, involved 282 teams and 846 gendarmerie officers. Operation “Narkocelik-22” took place in the following cities: Diyarbakir, Antalya, Manisa, Van, Ağir, Hatay, Aydın, Ankara, Hakkari, Giresun, Tekirdag, Kahramanmaras, Aksaray, Istanbul, Çanakkale, Kayseri, Ordu, Bingol, Edirne and Osmaniye.
The quantities of drugs, poison dealers and street dealers seized in some states of our country during the operation are as follows:
The local operation was carried out by the Diyarbakir Provincial Gendarmerie Command. 374 kg of marijuana, 3.4 million cannabis roots, and 50,000 skunk cabbage plants were seized. Five drug dealers were arrested. All five were arrested.
During the follow-up KOM operation carried out by the Antalya Gendarmerie Command, 13 kg of skunk, 750 g, 2 kg of methamphetamine, various amounts of narcotic tablets and cannabis roots were seized. 33 street vendors were caught, 10 of whom were arrested. Decisions of judicial control were made against 21 of them, two of whom are still undergoing judicial proceedings.
Within the scope of the planned intelligence and follow-up KOM operation carried out by the Manisa Provincial Gendarmerie Command. Various quantities of marijuana, narcotic pills, methamphetamine, skunk and cannabis roots were seized. 33 street vendors were uncovered, 7 of them were arrested, decisions of judicial control were made against 4 of them.
In the operation carried out by the Van Provincial Gendarmerie Command, 101 kg of marijuana, 16 kg of heroin, 21 kg of methamphetamine and 1,980 narcotic pills were seized. Three drug dealers were arrested, one of whom was arrested. A decision on judicial control was made in one of the cases.
In an operation carried out by the Ali Provincial Gendarmerie Command and the Gülbulak Customs Smuggling and Intelligence Directorate, 59 kg of methamphetamine and 13,180 narcotic pills were seized. Four drug dealers were arrested, one of whom was arrested. A decision on judicial control was made in one of the cases.
During the operation carried out by the Hatay Provincial Gendarmerie Command, 393,720 narcotic pills, 2 kg of methamphetamine and 600 grams of marijuana were seized. Four drug dealers were arrested. All four were arrested.
In the operation carried out by Aydın Provincial Gendarmerie Command, 2,340 narcotic pills and various amounts of narcotic substances were seized. 42 street vendors were uncovered, 8 of them were arrested, and decisions of judicial control were made in 10 of the cases.
In an operation carried out by the Ankara Provincial Gendarmerie Command, 2.5 kg of cannabis was seized. Three drug dealers were arrested, one of whom was arrested. Decisions on judicial control were made against two of them.
The field operation was carried out by the Hakkari Provincial Gendarmerie Command. 24 kg of methamphetamine was seized.
In an operation carried out by the Istanbul Provincial Gendarmerie Command, 10 kg of methamphetamine was seized. Two drug dealers were arrested. Both were arrested.
In an operation carried out by the Canakkale Gendarmerie Command, 12 kg of skunk was seized. Four drug dealers were arrested. All four were arrested.
In an operation carried out by the Edirne Regional Gendarmerie Command, 17,460 narcotic pills and 1.5 kg of skunk were seized. Five street vendors were arrested.”
2??0?? in the “NARKOÇELİK-22” operation organized by the Gendarmerie against drug manufacturers, their distributors and street dealers in the province.
6??6??3?? kg narcotic substances,
3?? million 4??0??0?? Using a thousand hemp and root skunks
4??3??6?? Thousands of drugs…
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) June 10, 2024
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