It has been revealed who Rasim Ozan Kütahial allegedly sent the messages, posting a profile picture with the police logo as if he were a “police officer.”
The couple Nagehan Arci and Rasim Ozan Kütahya, who divorced in recent months, remain in the headlines. Nagehan Arci explained that she had recently been abused by Rasim Ozan Kütahya, saying, “For many years, I have lived in a spiral of mental, physical and economic violence on an unimaginable scale.”
Nagehan Alç, who was a guest on Nevsin Mengu’s YouTube channel, claimed that Rasim Ozan Kütahial had pretended to be a “police officer” and introduced Alç to soldiers, politicians and some media personnel as working for Greece and a “PKK sympathizer. He is the person I am meeting now, a diplomat. After Rasim found out, he got even uglier and spread blatantly false rumors here and there that I was a Greek spy, serving the Greek state and that I was also a PKK sympathizer.”
“Traitor Nagehan”
The message also stated that Nagyehan Alchi had been in a romantic relationship with a Greek intelligence officer, which led to him being targeted by “Korea.” The same message accused Nagyehan Alchi of “treason.”
The messages also targeted Nagehan Alci’s boyfriend, Greek consul Stavros Christodoulidis, who was accused by “South Korea” of “working for Greece.” Nagehan Alci’s lawyer, Gözde Egemen, said “Stavros Christodoulidis is a respected diplomat.”
To Army Commander, Media Chief…
odatv has learned that the message was sent to military commanders and media chiefs.
Are you okay…
How did Nagehan Archi receive these messages?
According to information given by Nagehan Alç’s lawyer Gözde Egemen, one day Nagehan Alç discovered a phone in the couple’s shared home, which became a public topic, which led to the discovery that a certain message had been sent from the discovered mobile phone.
Gözde Egemen, Nagehan Alç’s lawyer, said: “We have filed a complaint about the suspect’s actions, which we believe to be criminal, but now it is up to the judicial authorities to decide. In fact, the law has been violated and many unfavorable circumstances have been created for my client. We will continue to apply to the judicial authorities in these matters. “The cell phone with the messages has been handed over to the judicial authorities. If my client has something to hide, the suspect’s cell phone and the messages in question will not be the subject. In the case we are filing, it is a woman who is constantly being threatened and subjected to violence.”
Two shocks at once
Moreover, after it was discovered that Rasim Ozan had not paid alimony, Nagehan Alchi began pursuing alimony and filed an eviction suit for the famous house in question.
Meanwhile, Nagehan Alç’s lawyer Gözde Egemen pointed out that Alç began a relationship with Stavros Christodoulidis after her divorce.