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There is always a buzz in the news about pension increase. Currently, what percentage is the pension increase calculated to be? It will be clear after the inflation rate is announced this month. Is it possible to give a linear increase to the basic salary of the pension plus welfare contributions? What is the percentage based on the inflation difference over 5 months? Here is the latest status of the July 2024 retirement allowance increase June 30, 2024 – 14:38 | Last updated: June 30, 2024 – 14:38 TurkStat will release June…

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(Credit: Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels) NEW YORK — Only one in 10 Americans say they learned about LGBTQ+ history in school, according to a new survey. A survey of 300 LGBTQ+ Americans found that only 4% said they learned about LGBTQ+ history in elementary or middle school, and 6% said it was included in their college curriculum. However, respondents hope that this will change in the future, with 62% saying schools should teach more about LGBTQ+ history. When asked why, one respondent replied, “LGBTQ+ history is American history and should be taught as such.” “I’m 80 years old and when…

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David Adahan had been an insurance agent for most of his career, but he and his wife, Bridget, who he described as “a wonderful, speciality cook,” decided to open a kosher sandwich bar on Beit Lehem Street a few months before the war.They spent three months renovating the former picture frame store and had it ready to open in early October. Then October 7th came around, but people still needed food, so they decided to open.”Not many people start a place in their 60s,” he told me during a recent visit, “but I love interacting with people and seeing…

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Today’s highlights in sports history:In 1994, Tonya Harding was stripped of her national titles and banned for life from the United States Figure Skating Association for her role in the assault on Nancy Kerrigan.On this date:1909 – Jack Johnson defends his heavyweight boxing title in a six-round no-decision fight against Tony Ross at Duquesne Gardens in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.1916 – Amateur Chick Evans Jr. wins the U.S. Open with a score of 286.1929 – Bobby Jones wins the U.S. Open, defeating Al Espinoza by 23 strokes in a 36-hole playoff.1962 – Merle Lindstrom wins the U.S. Women’s Open by defeating Jo…

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SOUTH BEND — Tina Colglaser has been serving up piping hot elephant ears at the St. Joseph County 4-H Fair every year for 34 years as part of her husband’s family business.”A lot of people don’t butter it anymore, but we still think it’s the right way to do it,” Colglazer said.Colglazier’s doughy desserts come in two varieties: the $8 elephant ear, dusted with cinnamon or powdered sugar, and the $10 elephant ear, topped with cherry or apple jam.More fried foodsElephant ears are one of many fried foods offered at the county fair. Other choices include:■ Corn Dog■ Fried Oreo…

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Today is Sunday, June 30th, the 182nd day of 2024. There are 184 days left this year.Today’s History Highlights:On June 30, 1936, Margaret Mitchell’s novel Gone with the Wind was published.This day too:In 1918, labor activist and socialist Eugene V. Debs was arrested in Cleveland under the Espionage Act of 1917 for a speech he had given two weeks earlier denouncing U.S. involvement in World War I. (Debs received prison time and was denied the right to vote for life.)In 1921, President Warren G. Harding appointed former President William Howard Taft to succeed the late Edward Douglas White as Chief…

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Dubar – 11 people were arrested in operations carried out in three provinces in connection with the murder of Vice Principal of Febci Çakmak Anatolian High School, Mahir Çocacı, who was killed in the Çaairova district of Kocaeli. After the procedures, the 11 people, including the 17-year-old DG who committed the murder, were sent to the Gebze Court. According to the DHA, on the morning of June 26, Mahir Choas, vice principal of Fevci Çakmak Anatolian High School on Fatih Street in Çaairova District, left his home to go to school and got into his car, which was parked on…

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Anıl ATAR- Eser Pazarbasi/Adana, (DHA)- Created on June 30, 2024 at 11:15TwitterLinkedinFlipboardEmailCopy LinkFontSergeant Gökhan Çelik (27), who killed his teacher’s wife Hatice Çelik (29) in Adana and seriously injured his brother-in-law Murat Akdöker (30), was arrested at the court where he was sent after police procedures. Station. It was announced that Akdöker, who is receiving treatment at the hospital, is in danger of losing his life.The incident occurred at around 12:30 a.m. on June 28th on Günikşak Boulevard in Seyhan district. An argument broke out between Hatice Çelik, a teacher and mother of one, who was a passenger in an…

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KitchenAid 7-cup Food Processor: two-minute reviewProduct infoThis model has slightly different names and product codes in different territories:US: KitchenAid 7 Cup Food Processor KFP0718UK: KitchenAid Food Processor 1.7L 5KFP0719AU: KitchenAid 7 Cup Food Processor KFP0719The products with 719 in their codes have extra accessories, specifically a thick-slice disc, and a plastic dough blade. For this review, I tested the UK model. There may be minor differences between different countries’ models.The KitchenAid 7 cup Food Processor (known as the KitchenAid Food Processor 1.7L in the UK) is compact, thoughtfully designed and has proven to be a great time saver when meal…

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Forest fires in Cesme, Selçuk and Menderes | Minister Yumakli: Fires are under control, some detainedOne Forest fires broke out in the Menderes, Selçuk and Cesme districts of Izmir. The fire in Selçuk spread to the Kusadasi district of Aydın. Firefighting on all three fires continued into the morning. 2 Izmir fire under control Agriculture and Forestry Minister Ibrahim Yumakli announced that the forest fires in Izmir were under control. Minister Yumakli explained that the Menderes fire started in a hobby garden, while the Çeşme fire was caused by a thrown cigarette butt. Minister Yumakli reported that the cause of…

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