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(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana) Today we celebrate a historic and moving day: July 4, 1812, when Benjamin Franklin, the first president of the United States, emerged from the Old State House in Boston, holding up a copy of the newly drafted Constitution written by Thomas Jefferson of New York, and proclaiming to the cheers of the assembled crowd that “these United Colonies, of course, should be free and independent from the King of Spain.” Who wouldn’t want to join in the jubilation when General Ulysses S. Grant, commander of the Continental Army, immediately ordered his men to board a waiting…

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LOS ANGELES (CNS) — Los Angeles City Councilman Hugo Soto Martinez introduced a motion Tuesday aimed at giving the city’s fast-food workers more stable work schedules and paid time off.Soto-Martinez’s Fast Food Fair Labor Ordinance would expand the city’s Fair Work Week ordinance, which would become law in 2022 and require employers to communicate work schedules to retail employees in advance. The ordinance covers about 2,500 major fast food chains and their roughly 50,000 employees.The city’s existing regulations also require companies to give workers at least 10 hours of rest between shifts or pay them appropriate compensation.The new proposal would…

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“History is always repeating itself, but each time the price goes up.” — Will and Arial Durant SHREVEPORT, La. (KTAL/KMSS) – During the American Civil War, eleven Southern cities were badly damaged or destroyed and almost 116,000 people were displaced. That’s a little more than 1% of the South’s entire population. Yet somehow Shreveport, Louisiana, the capital of Confederate Louisiana and Headquarters for the Confederate Department of the Trans-Mississippi wasn’t destroyed. Here’s why it still matters today. NWLA: First to secede, last to surrender Northwest Louisiana was the first place in the American South to secede from the Union after…

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The painting has been dated using new techniques, suggesting that cave art did not first appear in Europe.Scientists have discovered what may be the world’s oldest known piece of art, depicting three people gathered around a large red pig, in a cave on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi. The painting is believed to be about 51,200 years old, according to a study published Wednesday. “This is the oldest evidence we have of a story,” Maxim Aubert, an archaeologist at Griffith University in Australia and co-author of the new study published in the journal Nature, told AFP. Obert was part of…

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LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — The extreme heat hitting the Las Vegas Valley is putting a strain on volunteers who give their time to deliver food to those in need. Rodney Smith and his friends are among those volunteers, finding creative ways to keep food from spoiling and stay cool themselves. “Our seniors seem to be the most stressed by the heat,” Smith said. “Often they live in apartments that don’t have all the necessities, and one of those is air conditioning. In many cases, the doors and windows are open because they have air conditioning.” Smith said that can be…

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Refrigeration issues lead to thousands of pounds of food being donated to the poor Updated: July 3, 2024 8:34 PM CDT People in need of food for the holidays were able to get tons of food in Bessemer on Wednesday. Grace Klein with the nonprofit was notified that a local store was having refrigeration issues, and instead of throwing out produce, volunteers collected the food and gave it to those in need. One volunteer said they collected about 12,000 pounds of food, including produce, dairy, bread, meat and sweets. People could pull up to a location on Morgan Road on…

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RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA) – According to Feeding South Dakota, 106,000 people in the state do not have stable access to food.Rapid City has more than 20 locations where people can pick up meals or food packets to help fight food insecurity, one of which is the Salvation Army.”We’re just trying to help people who are maybe having to make decisions about where to get food or, ‘Do I buy food, do I pay rent, do I buy medicine,’ and that affects a lot of children as well,” said Maj. Vangie O’Neill with The Salvation Army’s Rapid City unit.The Salvation…

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INVITED: Church Administrator and Executive Pastor Craig Braun and church historian Linda Bubar are working on plans for the 100th anniversary luncheon Sept. 8. (Photo by Victoria Ford) WELCOME: A sign was placed near the front entrance in 1933. The pile of sand next to the church suggests this photo was taken shortly before the addition was built, under Pastor Jim Shanklin, in 1949. (Supplied Photo) Grace Calvary Church in Ship Bottom observes its centennial anniversary on Aug. 30. In the 10 weeks from June 30 through Labor Day, the congregation will celebrate 100 years of the church’s history and…

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overview A study recently published in JAMA estimated that more than 6 million people in the United States suffer from dietary and activity restrictions and could benefit from medically tailored meals, or medically assisted food and nutrition (MSF&N) services. The estimate also suggests that providing such meals to these people could avert 1.6 million hospitalizations and save $13.6 billion annually. In recent years, growing evidence of the positive effects of nutrition assistance on health outcomes and costs has prompted policy changes at both the federal and state levels, resulting in new opportunities for medical and nutrition service organizations to collaborate…

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Ministry of Interior, India Office Administration, June 27, 1879 Sir: In answer to the question contained in your letter of the 15th to-day, as to the privileges of contractors who are going to erect proxy buildings on your reservation, I must inform you that the provision of timber from the reservation, the use of sawmills in sawing timber, the procurement of natural products such as lime and hay, the use of proxy mowers in cutting hay, blacksmithing or the use of blacksmiths and tools, in short, any material supplied to the contractor or equipment provided in the performance of the…

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