Meral Akşener, a former leader of the Cīyi Party, continues to make moves after a surprise meeting with AKP President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
It was claimed that Meral Akşener would set up an office in Ankara and continue working from there after the “secret” palace meeting, which she also kept secret from the Ziya Party.
According to the newspaper Ismail Saimaz, Akşener has taken the first step towards implementing this plan.
Therefore, Akşener has set up his office on the second floor of building number 57 on Sinna Street, very close to the Turkish Grand National Assembly in Çankaya. The move-in process began today.
Meral Akşener had not been seen for a long time, but on June 3rd she attended the funeral of Özer Uçlan Çiler, the wife of former Prime Minister Tansu Çiler.
Akşener, who appears to have changed her hair colour, met with President and AKP Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the palace on June 5.
Claim: ‘Five MPs switch to AKP’
Cumhuriyet wrote that after the palace meeting, suspicions were discussed in the party lobby that some of the MPs close to Akşener might switch sides to the AKP. Thus, a senior Cıyi Party official claimed that around five Cıyi Party MPs would switch to the AKP during the new constitutional process. This includes, according to the official, Istanbul Party Istanbul deputy Burak Akbulak. Akbulak said, “Akşener is ready to serve in the state. If there is an offer to become vice president, he will be evaluated.”