According to information shared by Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya, the operation was conducted under the command and control of the Public Security Forces Command, in coordination with the Gendarmerie General Command Intelligence Directorate and TEM Division. As a result of intelligence investigations conducted by the Şirt, Şırnak and Van Provincial Gendarmerie Commands, the “Gürz-2” operation was carried out in the Pervali countryside. With the support of Air Force Command aircraft, ATAK attack helicopters and J-SİHA, hot contacts were established between the Gendarmerie Special Operations Unit (JÖH), Gendarmerie Special Security Command (JÖAK), Gendarmerie commando teams and security personnel and terrorists. Terrorists from the Separatist Terrorist Organization (BTÖ) were neutralized along with their weapons in the conflict.
Neutralized terrorists. Orange category Semra Ayverdi (code name: Benda Amed) and Seytan Sensa (code name: Baran Hemlin), gray category Yakup Nisho (code name: Sali Ibrahim) and Destina Botan (code name: Destina Botan) participated in a total of 9 actions. 6 guards and 5 civilians were martyred, 6 guards and 11 civilians were injured, and they turned out to be a terrorist named Bishenku Durmuş.
Terrorists took part in the following acts: “Setting fire on vehicles and blocking roads on Tunceli-Erzincan highway on July 31, 2015, and attacking a base resulting in the martyrdom of one security officer and the injury of two security officers” occurred on August 21, 2015 in the rural area of Beytushshebapi district, Sirnak province. In August 2016, two security officers were martyred and one was injured in a roadblock attack in the rural area of Beytushshebapi district, Sirnak province. On September 1, 2016 and on May 24, 2017, conflicts occurred in the rural areas of Pervali district, Syrt province resulting in the martyrdom of one security officer and the injury of one security officer. Conflicts occurred on September 17, 2018 in the rural area of Beytushshebapi district, Sirnak province. One civilian was martyred and two civilians were injured when a minibus carrying workers ran over an IED. Nine civilians were injured and a 10-member civilian was killed in an IED explosion during road improvement works in the rural area of Chatak district, Van province, on June 8, 2020. “An act of martyrdom of one security official in the rural area of Chatak” in Van province, on October 13, 2022.”
4️⃣ The terrorists have been neutralised❗️
Operation “GÜRZ-2” took place in rural areas of Pervali district, Syrt province.
🟧 2️⃣ is orange,
⬜️ Total number of members of separatist terrorist organizations (BTÖ), of which 2️⃣ are in the grey category.
4️⃣ The terrorists have been neutralised❗️
We are determined. Sacred Homeland…
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) July 27, 2024
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