The National Security Council (MGK) meeting chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has concluded. The meeting, held at the Presidential Palace, lasted for approximately three hours and 40 minutes.
In a statement after the meeting, they said:
– “Information was presented to the Council about the operations carried out with determination and success both at home and abroad against all kinds of threats and dangers to our national unity and cohesion, as well as to our survival, in particular against the PKK/KCK-PYD/YPG, FETO and DAESH terrorist organizations.
Relations with Iraq
– He stressed that cooperation and collaboration with neighboring Iraq will be taken to the next level by expanding the contractual base between the two countries, and stated that concrete progress in the security field will strengthen cooperation between the two countries and their efforts towards regional development.
– It was emphasized that the PKK/KCK-PYD/YPG, which has turned the lands it has occupied in Iraq and Syria into a breeding ground for terrorism, and the support provided to it, will be eliminated along with all its forces in our region, and that no fait accompli that violates the security of our country and the territorial integrity of neighboring countries will be given an opportunity.
The situation in Gaza
– The act was intended to stifle growing voices around the world calling for an end to Israel’s crimes against humanity, which continue to slaughter in Gaza without regard for the responsibilities arising from international law, and was described as once again revealing the insincerity of those who claim to defend the rule of law, democracy and freedom of expression. However, it was also stated that it was important to increase the number of countries that recognize the State of Palestine as being on the right side of history and to intensify efforts to hold those responsible for the massacres to account.
Russia-Ukraine War
– The latest developments regarding the war, which has worsened the humanitarian situation in Ukraine day by day, were discussed and the possibilities for establishing a just and lasting peace as soon as possible were assessed. The importance of continued efforts to strengthen navigational safety in the Black Sea together with the littoral countries was emphasized.
Dialogue between Azerbaijan and Armenia
– Our wish that the positive development of negotiations between Azerbaijan and Armenia will lead to an agreement ensuring peace and our support for all good faith efforts aimed at establishing a lasting peace was confirmed.
artificial intelligence
– Advances in the field of artificial intelligence offer great opportunities to enable a new stage in the history of mankind. However, the potential of this field may bring challenges and new threats in the cyber sphere. “The importance and priority of Turkey to prepare for the scientific, military, economic and social impacts of artificial intelligence research and to develop advanced capabilities in this field is noted.”