“Mr. Bahçeli asked me four questions, which I am embarrassed to read,” CHP Chairman Ozgül Ozer said at a party group meeting yesterday, adding that he was asked in response questions about the murder of Sinan Ates. Ta.
The answers to these questions were read by Ezer as, “I won’t read those four questions, Mr. Bahçeli, let the shameless copywriter who wrote those questions answer these four questions.” And it was from MHP Vice-President Izzet Urvi Jonter.
In an insult-filled response to Ezell on his social media accounts, Yontah wrote: “Our leaders have been the leaders of our country in every speech they have ever given and will make, and in every message they publish. I am personally preparing the following, and in the meantime, I may ask my advisors to: Research some issues. ”
In response to a question about the murder of Sinan Atesh, Yontah said:
“On the other hand, if you do not prove what you asserted in your questioning yesterday regarding the prosecution of a murder case in which we have no interest or concern at all, you are vile, immoral, dishonorable and disgraceful! What more can I say?” “You have no backbone! In essence you have nothing, but you are the chairman of the CHP… What a pity, a sin, a shame… Even the existence of an addict like you is the most clear evidence of the ruin and misery of Turkish politics… You are the enemy of idealists and the enemy of the MHP, with whom will you cooperate? The sentence you follow is known throughout the world… I hope you pay the legal price for your atheism…”
Yontar’s remarks are believed to have been shared by MHP vice-chairman Semikh Yalcin.
What did Ezel ask?
CHP Chairman Özgür Özer responded to Bahçeli at a party group meeting with a question that appeared to refer to Özgür Özer and Semi Yalçin. In his speech, Özer mentioned the names of the two men as “two shameless copywriters who asked Bahçeli four questions that he is not ashamed to ask.”
“How and by whom were these two names removed from the indictment for the murder of Sinan Atesh?” , we will not express our condolences.” Was it the chairman of Uruk Okachkal who was in the middle of the street? Who spread this instruction to the entire party? Kidnapped the gunman. Which of the two was the one whose photo of the vehicle was published? Which of the two contributed to the president of the Idealist Club? Does this mean that the vehicle gains a status where it will not be penalized or stopped in traffic? Are the people who wrote to Promtar today asking for the smokescreen about the death of the Iranian president to be removed the same ones who wrote about the Sinan Atesh incident?The proportion of these two in this fog is that when the fog arises Or is this fog itself? Answer these four questions.