The woman, who went to Turkey for dental treatment, said she then fought for her life and ended up in hospital.
Amanda Turner, from Northern Ireland, said she paid thousands of euros for root canals and individual crowns.
But for Lunchtime Live, she said it ended up being a completely different procedure.
“I traveled to Turkey in April of this year,” she said. “I went in believing I was going to have root canal treatment and have a personalized crown placed on my tooth.
Amanda’s dental treatment.Photo: Attached
“While I was there, unbeknownst to me, three incorrectly installed bridges were installed, one on top and three on the bottom.
“When I complained that it was not what we had agreed to and was different from what I paid and what was covered by the guarantee on the receipt, I was kicked out of the hotel.
“They canceled my airport transfer and I literally had to book a new flight and fly back home for an emergency dentist appointment.
“I contracted a bacterial infection and ended up in the hospital, fighting for my life.”
50 hours of revision work
Amanda is currently receiving orthodontic treatment at a London dentist, but said: “No one will see me in Northern Ireland or Ireland because I went overseas.”
“We’ve done 50 hours of revision work so far, and we’re still getting more revisions,” she said.
“I had 12 root canals, a tooth extracted, two mouth surgeries, and many more other treatments after that, and I’m not done yet. .
“It was terrible, it was quite an ordeal.”
Amanda’s dental treatment.Photo: Attached
She said problems arose as soon as she arrived in Türkiye.
“They cross-contaminated the tooth that they glued in my mouth. Two days before they did that, they had dropped the tooth on the floor,” she said.
“I had no idea these would be my teeth because the receipt said I was going to get a personalized crown and root canal treatment which I had agreed to.”
“Easy option”
Amanda gave birth nine months ago and said her pregnancy damaged her teeth.
“My teeth were damaged by the pregnancy hormones and needed a lot of treatment,” she said.
“I was going back and forth to the dentist and had a job in Belfast.
“I had scheduled an appointment for a tooth extraction and root canal treatment, but two of my children contracted norovirus and ended up in the hospital, so I missed the appointment.
“I was planning on waiting a while as I’m waiting for my next appointment, so I thought this was an easy option to get all my work done in one week,” she added.
Main image: Amanda is taken to the hospital after dental treatment.Photo courtesy: Provided
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