Minister Yerlikaya, in a post on his social media account, said that images posted on social media of a person punching a driver involved in an altercation during a road accident in Bajlar on July 27 were being investigated by police. Cybercrime Unit.
Yerikaya said the person attacked was uninjured and the suspect was identified as the EC, adding:
“It was discovered that the EC suspect had previously been charged with various crimes. The individual was arrested and detained by a team from Bajlar District Police Station No. 100 Yul Kemalpasa Police Headquarters under the coordination of the Public Security Department. The treatment of the person who was beaten continues,” the statement said.
“We will not tolerate those who disturb the peace of our people, those who behave aggressively in traffic, those who block roads by threatening to send wedding motorcades and soldiers, and those who seek to kill innocent people. We are determined to catch them and bring them to justice.”
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Images on social media of a person punching a driver following an argument over a road accident have been investigated by the Cyber Crime Bureau.
The incident occurred in Bajlar on July 27, 2024, and while the attackers were uninjured…
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) July 29, 2024
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