Members of the Proktocracy and citizens gathered in front of Fatih Mosque for the program, which was supported by various non-governmental organizations, including the Foundation for Popularization of Science, Ensar Foundation, Turkish Youth Foundation (TÜGVA), Red Crescent and Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO), and then walked to their destination, Saracanı Park, where the program was accompanied by the Mehter Orchestra.
The march and the program were attended by Istanbul Governor Davut Gul, First Army and Garrison Commander Ali Sivli, Provincial Gendarmerie Commander Major General Yusuf Kenan Topk, Fatih District Governor Kafer Sarlu, Fatih District Mayor Ergün Turan, Istanbul Mufti Prof. Dr. Safi Alpaguş, İTO President Şekip Avdagiç, AK Party Istanbul Provincial Committee Chairman Osman Nuri Kabaktepe, Knowledge Dissemination Foundation Chairman Bilal Erdoğan, Baykal Board Chairman Selçuk Bayraktar, Sumeyye Erdoğan Bayraktar, several AK Party lawmakers, relatives of martyrs, veterans and citizens.
Turkish flags were distributed to the citizens by the city of Fatih, and a concert by the Mehter Orchestra was held while various sweets were offered. After the concert, a moment of silence was observed and the national anthem was sung. After the recitation of the Holy Quran, the Istanbul Mufti Prof. Dr. Safi Arpagus offered a prayer.
“It is more important than anything to remember July 15th.”
Istanbul Governor Gul said on the program that it was most important to remember July 15 and uphold its spirit.
Gul emphasized that the Turkish people have faced many trials and experienced great hardships, saying, “We went through very difficult times and heroically faced all difficulties and hardships. We have made our mark in history with glory and honor. On July 15, when our future was targeted, we were slapped in the face by traitors, we all erupted with flags in our hands, united with our convictions, and took to the streets with the government. On that dark night when many heroic stories were written, we took a stand that will be recorded in history, with our convictions, not with guns,” he said.
Governor Gul said that on the night of the failed coup, 252 heroes – 99 of them from Istanbul – left their loved ones behind to become martyrs for the country, and thousands were given the honor of veterans.
Stressing that they would never forget the martyrs and veterans who abandoned their loved ones but did not give up on their country, Gül continued:
“We will continue the struggle until all the traitors pay the price. They will not succeed. We will not retreat from independent Turkey, despite the traitors waiting for an opportunity to hand over our heavenly homeland to the imperialists. We will not abandon this country yesterday, today and forever… We will continue to work with all our might to live up to the brave ancestors who entrusted this land to us.”
“We carry the epic story of July 15th on our chests as a badge of honor.”
Fatih Mayor Turan said July 15 is a grand national day against the traitorous coup attempt.
An epic poem was written that saw people across Turkey take to the streets and squares with the crescent and star flags aloft, Turan said, adding: “We carry the July 15 epic on our hearts as a medal of honor in the history of our nation.”
Turan said FETO violated all sacred things and aims for the unity and integrity of the nation, noting that the Turkish people are united in standing against this attempted betrayal.
Bilal Erdogan, chairman of the Foundation for Dissemination of Knowledge, also noted the importance of the spirit shown on the evening of July 15.
Erdogan said July 15 should be explained well to children, saying, “If we as a people do not live the spirit of that night every day, they may not attempt a coup, but they will try to steal our future. Children, we will become a country that cannot make decisions for itself, where the decisions are made by others. It is important not to forget July 15, and our martyrs “need to be mobilized to save the future of our children, so that their blood does not remain on the ground,” he said.
The speech was followed by a video prepared by the Presidential Communications Directorate, and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s speech at the program held in Ankara was also broadcast live on the screen.
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