BREAKING! President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made a statement after visiting the July 15 Martyrs’ Memorial.
President Erdogan prayed for God’s mercy on the martyrs and expressed his gratitude to all who rushed to the square without waiting for the call.
“We will keep alive the memory of the martyrs whose names are engraved in history and in the hearts of our people,” Erdogan said. He said he would never forgive those who called the July 15 coup attempt theater until the end of time.
“We have martyred 34 children of our country.”
President Erdogan’s remarks are as follows:
We are marking the eighth anniversary of the 15 July attempted traitorous coup. We are united with one heart and one hand. I want to thank all of you who did not wait for our call, but rushed to the squares to confront the traitors at the very first moments of the coup attempt.
Here comes the July 15 Martyrs’ Bridge, a true heroic story written on the night of July 15, when the national will was uplifted. On the bridge where the uprising began, the coup plotters continued to shed blood all night and massacre innocent people. We have martyred a total of 34 sons of the Motherland.
“Epic Fight”
Together we saw the faces of the traitors who led the coup and the murders they committed here. We will not forget. We remember with great pride the epic struggle our country waged with its bare hands against tanks and lethal weapons.
We keep alive the memory of our martyrs, whose names are inscribed in letters of gold in history and in the heart of our nation.
This nation will continue, as it has always done, to thwart every game of its independence, to thwart every game that seeks to bind its will. We will not, until the end of time, forgive those who call July 15 a “game” or a “theatre,” or those who shamelessly call it a “conspiracy.”