Neslim Güngen and Inanç Güngen, known as a social media phenomenon and owners of a total of 50 beauty salons across the country, were found to have arranged for fake Master/Jarman certificates and helped people with inappropriate qualifications to open salons.
At the same time, they caused a total of 44 cases of negligent injury crimes nationwide by using devices that were manufactured in violation of regulations, without issuing false CE certificates and UTS registration. There are 746 complaints of similar nature in the open source. It was found that they had illegally transported the proceeds of crime obtained through fraud under contracts with other businesses, and engaged in acts aimed at money laundering through real estate transfers, etc.
In their interactions with the Ministry of Education and public education institutions, they prepared fake Mastership Journeyman Certificates made by a person issuing fake documents in Ankara for 2,000 TL and sold them to franchisees for 20,000 TL. It was determined that the documents were not registered in the system, the product tracking system was reported in the communication with the Ministry of Health, the UTS data was not registered in the database, and there were no fake CE certificates, technical files and testing processes.
Complaints from customers whose health had been adversely affected while receiving services from a Neslim Gürgen franchise led to the franchise being found to have handled the matter without negligence causing any injury, but to have been a fraud accuser against Gürgen for selling illegal machines.
Collagen thread treatments and rejuvenating threads are made by printing NG labels on ball threads that have no special properties on commercially available moisturizing creams. It was discovered that marketing was done under a different name and that customers were being scammed in this way.
It was also discovered that the group demanded high amounts of money in the name of royalties from those who wanted to enter into franchise agreements, and that the payments were made not through banks but in the form of the free transfer of movable and immovable property. The group was the subject of criminal activities related to laundering criminal proceeds.
It was found that false invoices were issued for false so-called commercial activities between companies managed by Neslim Güngen and Inans Güngen, with the total account transactions between the two companies amounting to TL 1.5 billion, and that this act was contrary to the normal course of events and aimed at laundering criminal proceeds.
Increase in detentions
The number of detainees in Operation Kuyu 8, in which the Gürgens were arrested, has risen to 61.