Journalist and presenter Nagehan Arti shared her experience after divorcing her husband of 13 years, Rasim Ozan Kütahyar, in one session on journalist Nevsin Meng’s show last year.
Alci claimed that she was subjected to mental and physical violence by her husband, Rasim Ozan Kütahial, from whom she divorced on October 3, 2023.
Nagehan Arthi said:
“Rasim was taking money from me.”
– I didn’t even tell my mother about these things. Rasim took the money I earned and said, “You won’t understand.”
– I couldn’t kick him out if I hadn’t sent the money. I was told by Rasim that he was ignorant with money. The money was in a joint account but he emptied it.
-I called the police to my house when the violence occurred. I am so angry at myself for putting up with what I went through.
After a while, you get into a vicious circle and you can no longer speak up. I remember waiting many nights with a knife in my hand because Rasim’s anger would not subside.
– When Rasim was unemployed, I took care of him. I called everyone for him before anyone saw his face. In the middle of the night, while I was sleeping, he turned on the light and said, “You are incompetent, you do nothing for me.”
– My brother’s youngest son was born on November 17, 2017. That morning I was dying. Rasim was strangling me. He had a hook in his throat.
– For some reason his anger grew because I did not do what he wanted in the house, I was looking at the ceiling and could not breathe when it caught me in the throat, I think maybe for 5-10 seconds, but I thought I can’t die when my nephew is born and my kids are 4 years old.