Sanie Ateş, the mother of the assassinated former Ulucu Ocaklar chairman Sinan Ateş, his sister Selma Ateş and his wife Ayşe Ateş met with Özgür Ezer at the CHP headquarters. After the meeting, Sanie Ateş made a statement at the microphone.
Sinan Ateş’s mother: My son, what can I say…
Sanieh Atesh said in a statement after the meeting:
I was supposed to be sitting at home, but I had to go find the killer of my child. I said, I asked, I begged, thank you very much. I said, ‘Son, I don’t have anyone. Please stand behind the killer of my son.’
They jailed a child who stole bread for seven years and are trying to turn this into a normal case. My grandchildren can’t go out the front door. They are still threatening my baby. What can I say, my son? This is what happened to me at this age.
This is a political incident, not an ordinary crime.
Maybe I’ll die and never see the outcome of the incident, but everyone saw it, and such an incident couldn’t have happened.
Sister Selma Ateş: We are waiting for justice
Sinan Ateş’s sister, Selma Ateş, issued a statement after the meeting: “If Turkey is a country of laws, we will continue to demand justice, because not only were we hurt, but the Turkish people were hurt too. We are not fighting here as four women. There is a battle that we all fight together, and we will not give up this battle,” she said.
Dervişoğlu: Sinan Ateş is my friend.
Meanwhile, Sinan Ateş’s mother, Saniya Ateş, and his sister, Selma Ateş, also met with Cīyi Party Chairman Musavat Dervisoglu.
During the meeting at the Ji’i Party headquarters, the Ateş family conveyed their concerns about the legal process. Dervisoğlu said they would follow up on the case and shared their belief that sooner or later the file would be clarified on all sides. “Sinan Ateş is my opponent, so our reaction is not political, it’s more than that,” Dervisoğlu said.