The owner and relatives of a private school in Kastamonu that had ceased operations some time ago called the teachers to the Doğa Kültür village teachers’ center to discuss payment. An argument broke out during the meeting here, which turned into a fight, after which three teachers, the teachers’ fiancee, the school management and their relatives ME, OE, İ.EE and YFÖ clashed. He went to the Gendarmerie and complained that they had beaten him.
Four people who went to Kastamonu Training and Research Hospital reported being assaulted.
“I asked him to let me hug him, but he attacked me.”
One teacher, Ali Ozcar, told reporters that the decision to close the school was hasty, even though he had a contract to work there next year.
Özçar said he called the teachers one by one to meet with them, “Me and the other teachers had a meeting today. After separate meetings, the teachers left after their interviews. When I went to meet them, the school owner’s son said, ‘Teacher, please give me a hug,’ and then, not understanding me, he started pushing me down. ‘Then they pushed me to the ground and three or four of them attacked me and started hitting me,’ he said.
“They attacked teachers who tried to separate them.”
Ozcar said other teachers who were waiting for the meeting tried to stop the fight, saying, “Meanwhile, they attacked the teachers who tried to separate us, throwing them to the ground. They tried to stop our teacher from taking photos. They pushed him away and called him unspeakable abuse. We called the military police.”
“The attack was planned.”
One of the teachers, Onur Yalçin, also alleged that the school owner attacked Ozçagul, saying:
“We were sitting in different places and suddenly some people came towards our teacher Ali. We asked, ‘What is going on?'” “We turned around without saying anything and saw my teacher Ali on the ground. So this attack was planned and deliberate. They prevented us from going to my teacher Ali. While we were trying to go towards my teacher Ali to break, they held my teacher Ali to the ground and prevented him from getting up as the fight continued.”
“They don’t know me, and I don’t know them.”
Meanwhile, Ahmet El explained that he was at the scene to meet his fiancée, a teacher at the school, saying, “Ali Bey was supposed to meet his fiancée after she went to the building. Chaos ensued and we saw our teacher Ali lying on the ground. We panicked and tried to stop the fight, but they didn’t know me. The principal pushed me to the ground. He hit me behind the ear, which made me dizzy.”
“I have a wedding tomorrow, but I’m in the hospital right now.”
One of the teachers, Ese Bahar, said she went to the meeting with her fiance Ahmet El. “After the meeting, we went upstairs to meet the school mediator, and then we heard voices. We looked out the window and saw that the school management had attacked our teacher. We have a wedding tomorrow, but now we are in hospital after receiving a report of an assault. It’s really unfortunate,” he said.
CHP: Judicial proceedings should be initiated
CHP Deputy Chairman Suat Ozcadaş issued a statement on the violence, saying, “Today, our teachers working in the private sector were attacked by the owner of Tema University and his sons at the Doça Village Teachers’ Center under the Ministry of National Education. The reason why private teachers are beaten like this is because of their unsafe working conditions. As the cases of violence against teachers continue to increase, the Minister of National Education cannot continue to sit silently in his chair. This is our open request to the Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin: judicial proceedings should be immediately initiated against those who carried out the attack, and the ministry should follow the procedure itself and ensure that the necessary punishment is given to the perpetrators. As the Republican People’s Party, we wish the injured teachers a speedy recovery. “We respectfully share with the public that we will follow the process together with the Kastamonu Provincial Directorate,” he said.