Official Gazette: YSK re-determines number of representatives for each state
The number of Bursa’s elected deputies increased from 20 to 21, and Eskişehir from 6 to 7. In the Turkish Grand National Assembly, Dersim and Bayburt’s numbers increased from 1 to 2.
The YSK decision published in the Official Gazette states in Article 5 of the Official Gazette that the electoral districts and the number of deputies to be elected in each district will be announced no later than six months after the results of the census are published. Parliamentary Elections Law No. 2839.
The decision cites the latest population information as of December 31, 2023, published by the Turkish Statistical Institute, including the distribution of the 600 members of Parliament by provinces and constituencies.
This means that Ankara will have 36 deputies, Istanbul 96 and Izmir 28.
According to the table, the number of deputies in Bursa, Eskişehir, Dersim and Bayburt increased by one, while the number of deputies in Hatay and Kütahya decreased by one, and the number of deputies in Istanbul decreased by two.
The number of deputies from Bursa increased from 20 to 21, the number of deputies from Eskişehir increased from six to seven, and the number of deputies from Dersim and Bayburt increased from one to two.
The number of deputies in Hatay province fell from 11 to 10, in Kütahya province from 5 to 4, and in Istanbul province from 98 to 96.
The number of members of parliament in each state is as follows:
“Adana 15, Adiyaman 5, Afyonkarahisar 6, Ağrı 4, Amasya 3, Ankara 36, Antalya 17, Artvin 2, Aydın 8, Balikesir 9, Bilecik 2, Bingol 3, Bitlis 3, Bolu 3, Burdur 3, Bursa 21, Çanakkale 4, Çankır 2, Çorum 4, Denizli 7, Diyarbakir 12, Edirne 4, Elazıl 5, Erzincan 2, Erzurum 6, Eskisehir 7, Gaziantep 14, Giresun 4, Gümüşhane 2, Hakkari 3, Hatay 1 0, Isparta 4, Mersin 13, Istanbul 96, Izmir 28, Kars 3, Kastamonu 3, Kayseri10, Kirklareli 3, Kirsehir 2, Kocaeli 14, Konya 15, Kutahya 4, Malatya 6, Manisa 10, Kahramanmaras 8, Mardin 6, Mugla 7, Muş 3, Nevşehir 3, Nigede 3, Ordu 6, Rize 3, Sakarya 8, Samsun 9, Siirt 3, Sinop 2, Sivas 5, Tekirdag 8, Tokat 5, Trabzon 6, Tunceli 2, Sanliurfa 14, Uşak 3, Van 8, Yozgat 4, Zonguldak 5, Aksaray 4, Bayburt 2, Karaman 3, Kırkkale 3, Batman 5, Şırnak 4, Bartin 2, Ardahan 2, Idır 2, Yalova 3, Karabuk 3, Kilis 2, Osmaniye 4, Duzce 3.”
Additionally, Ankara will be divided into three districts, Bursa into two districts, Istanbul into three districts, and Izmir into two districts.