Four-storey building collapses in Bachelieverel: teams continue their work
Following the alert, fire brigade, police, AFAD and medical teams were dispatched to the scene, where they secured the perimeter and began operations inside the building.
The team’s work continues.
Statement from the Governor
In a statement issued by the Istanbul Governor regarding the incident, it was said, “On Thursday, June 27, 2024, at approximately 4:45 a.m., a partial collapse occurred in a four-storey building located on Yadigar Street, Zafer District, Bachelievler District. Numerous AFAD, fire brigades, 112 ambulances and police were dispatched, but investigations at the scene confirmed that there were no fatalities, injuries or people buried under rubble.”
“Properties surrounding the collapsed building have been evacuated as a precautionary measure and necessary safety measures have been taken at the scene.”