This year, 1 million 38 thousand 192 eighth grade students applied for the central examination conducted by the Ministry of National Education within the scope of LGS. The exam was held in two rounds at 973 examination centers and 62,663 halls of 3,891 schools in the country. Abroad, it was held at 11 examination centers and 35 halls of 11 schools.
In the first session of the exam, students were asked a total of 50 questions in the verbal field from Turkish Language, History of the Revolution of the Republic of Turkey and Kemalism, Religious Culture and Ethics, and Foreign Language Courses. In the second session of the exam, a total of 40 questions were asked from Mathematics and Science. The answer key was released immediately after the exam. Students can pick up their exam booklet from the school where they took the exam the day after the exam. The results of the LGS Central Exam will be announced on June 28. The Placement Guide for Transition Aspirations and Placement Process to Secondary Education will be published on the same day.
Click to view the oral section booklet
Click to view the Numbers section booklet
He was one minute late to the exam and missed it.
A student who came to take an exam at the Arif Mol Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School in Kayseri forgot his ID at home. Police officers contacted his family to bring his ID from home. The family failed to deliver the ID within 15 minutes of the exam entry time of 9:30. The ID reached the student one minute after the designated time, but the time lapse prevented the student from attending the exam.
“My child forgot his ID card at home and they didn’t take him to the exam. There was nothing to do. I tried to catch up. I tried really hard,” said Ramazan Kul, a parent of a student who couldn’t take the exam. “But it didn’t work and he couldn’t take the exam.”
The LGS exam was attended by a motorbike Yunus team from the State Police Bureau’s Security Branch in front of the school. Students who forgot their IDs at home were taken by the Yunus team to the Population and Citizenship Agency to obtain temporary IDs. The students who were issued IDs here were handed over to the GNAT Foundation Bingyol Science High School where they will take the exam soon.
Meanwhile, a woman fainted while waiting for a relative to take an exam at Turgut Özal Secondary School in Kültür District. A medical team was dispatched to the school following a call. After first aid, the woman was taken to Bingöl Provincial Hospital. The woman’s health condition was found to be good.
He tried to take the exam with his bag and mobile phone, but his ID had been brought by another parent.
The central exams within the High School Transition System (LGS) began in Antalya. A few minutes before the exam, a student tried to enter the school with his bag and mobile phone. After being warned by a police officer, the student handed his bag over to his father, but forgot his mobile phone.
The student, whose father had left the school and given his mobile phone to another family member, now found himself without his ID or exam documents. The student was able to enter the exam hall at the last minute with the ID and documents brought by his father or other guardian.
At the 75th grade Cumhuriyet Anatolian High School, a few minutes before the start of the exam, a candidate whose name turned out to be Emine tried to enter the schoolyard with her bag. After being warned by a staff member, Emine handed her bag to her father who was waiting in the car, and when she returned to the school, she noticed that she had a mobile phone. Emine, whose father had left the school district, handed her mobile phone to another family member who had brought their children to the exam and asked him to call her father. As she made her way to the school entrance, Emine realized that this time she did not have her ID and exam entry documents. One of the people who understood the situation ran up to her and called Emine’s father by phone, asking him to bring his daughter’s ID and exam entry documents immediately. The person who received the documents from Emine’s father, who arrived a while later, ran towards the school entrance and handed the documents to Emine. As Emine was heading to her class to take the LGS exam, the person who helped her was praised and praised by those around her, calling her a “superman.”